Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Florida work week 2

So far, the week has been pretty good. Still having some
nervous issues being on my own.

Ok, I’m bored. I have been to the beach and the sites that I wanted to see but
it’s no fun on your own. I know some people like that experience but not me.
Don't like that I like being with people and sharing that experience with
people. Even the beach it's a lonely place for me I love the ocean I love
sitting there looking at the water it calms me. I like the feeling of the water
on my feet. I just can't do a whole lot alone because the experience so much
better when you can share it with others.

Now as for work it's slow going. We have a lot of people to come in but they're
not coming in to see me, but I try to help them as best I can and make sure
that they get what they me. This is a great learning experience for me because
I have never traveled to a place alone for work and stayed this long.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Florida Work

The next 5 weeks I will be in Florida working and I feel I have some sense of stability now.I am still fearful but I plan on doing things while I here.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Day two

Started my new medicine today praying to God that they work on this anxiety that I have before my trip. My best friend called me very sad and I was able to keep my wits about me. Her sister died last month and she is still having trouble replaying the talk they had before her sister died in her mind. I understand this and I go to the process of making up stories of things I see and do before they actually happened Life is so crazy for me right now and I just want the anxiety to end so my life can be normal again.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Another Day

I had some notes for crying the other day but I did not feel like writing. Saturday was the worst. I cried so hard I couldn’t drive and had to stop at my brother Dwight’s house to calm down. It was horrible. My doctor changed my meds today and I am hoping this works as I leave to go out of town on Sunday. Florida for five weeks with my job.
I think at some point i need to come back and expound on some of these writings to help give you a better picture of my life and the struggles of everyday life for me as I try to change to focus on me and not everyone else.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

I can’t explain what’s wrong with me.

I keep messing myself up and I know its called an ULP (Upper Limit Problem) but i keep doing things like getting my nedicine adjusted which caused issues and then I am going out of town for a few weeks. That is making me really nervous but it’s in Florida so lucky me.
People are telling me to make new friends because I don’t have many but I don’t know how to start that process. I need a boyfriend(lol).

I am going to try and write it down so I can see when I go wrong.