Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Florida work week 2

So far, the week has been pretty good. Still having some
nervous issues being on my own.

Ok, I’m bored. I have been to the beach and the sites that I wanted to see but
it’s no fun on your own. I know some people like that experience but not me.
Don't like that I like being with people and sharing that experience with
people. Even the beach it's a lonely place for me I love the ocean I love
sitting there looking at the water it calms me. I like the feeling of the water
on my feet. I just can't do a whole lot alone because the experience so much
better when you can share it with others.

Now as for work it's slow going. We have a lot of people to come in but they're
not coming in to see me, but I try to help them as best I can and make sure
that they get what they me. This is a great learning experience for me because
I have never traveled to a place alone for work and stayed this long.

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