Monday, October 29, 2018


Mondays are the worst. You have a hard time getting up in the morning and then you have a hard time getting to sleep at night. You have those moments where on Monday you just want the day to just be over. And it just seems like it's not happening it seems like the day last forever. But idea some piano lessons I went to see my therapist and it Seems like everybody called me today or text me with some type information. My sister from South Carolina is here and she called me because she can remember how to make those cookies my mom used make. Those cookies are called teacakes and I can make them from scratch but I haven't made them in a very long time and I guess they were just having a discussion about them so they wanted to know. And then they had phone on speaker and they started having a conversation with each other even though I'm still sitting there waiting on the phone and this is one of the things that really annoys me. I hate when people call you to talk to you and you're talking to them and they start having another conversation with someone else. That is like one of my biggest pet peeves. my best friend doesn't was because she calls and talks to me and then she has a conversation with her son at the same time she's talking to me and I'm just really holding the phone so usually i'll just say just call me back later. She says okay and then she dropped them off and within 10 minutes she's calling me back I let somebody else calls her and we're in mid conversation and she said I've got to take this i'll call you back I don't answer when she calls me back to call me maybe two or three times and then nothing it out we don't really talk about anything. So we'll just let everything just go and then out tell her I'll talk to her later so that's on my Monday has been headed maybe reflect on the fact that I that I have a pet peeves about people having conversations with you when they're having conversations with someone else and it just it just just be a waste of your time. And the that's all I'm going to say about that that's one thing out in the air. Mean I saw my therapist today and I was able to talk to her about a lot of things that I did over the last two weeks the Swimming lessons will be back on this week and hopefully I'll be able to start my laps what getting ready to start my swimming on top of the water by myself. But wish me luck!!!

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